Premature Graying of Hair can affect the self-esteem and personality of an individual. Hair graying with age is a normal phenomenon but premature hair graying is of concern. Genetic, environmental or any particular disease condition can trigger premature graying of our hair. The hair growth or technically Anagen phase is one of the most important phases in the hair growth cycle since active pigmentation of our hair occurs in this phase. Melanin, the pigment produced by our hair follicles is the main reason for our different hair colors. Melanin production decreases with normal aging and hair turns grey with age. Improper melanin production during our hair cycle accelerates the premature graying of hair.

Although the exact reason for premature hair graying at molecular level is still under research but there are several scientific studies which prove that oxidative stress during growth can cause premature aging. It has been found that during anagen or growth phase due to enormous accumulation of oxidative stress and absence of antioxidants can cause reduced pigmentation of hair. Proper nutritious diets and antioxidants from natural sources can slow down the premature hair graying to a great extent. The proper blood flow to hair roots and sufficient antioxidants to hair follicles during growth phase helps in proper pigmentation of hair. UV rays, pollution, emotional factors or inflammatory conditions can also cause oxidative stress leading to premature graying of hair. Premature aging is very closely associated with extreme emotional stress, alcohol consumption and smoking. Deficiency of Vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, copper and zinc is found to another reason for premature hair graying. Scientific analysis found that there are significant lower level of these vitamins and minerals in individuals suffering from premature hair graying.
Once the hair turns grey it is difficult to manage than dark hair since there are structural changes in it turning it to more to coarser, stiffer and harder. Grey hairs are more sensitive to weathering and damaged due to UV radiation. It requires more photoprotection and even artificial colors are less likely to hold on it due structural changes in hair fiber.
Multivitamins supplement for vitamin deficiency and hair coloring remains only possible options for managing these conditions. Chemical hair coloring agents has adverse effect on hair follicle since it interacts with the protein present in it and changes its structure leading to hair damage. Natural hair coloring products remain a safe alternative to hair care management. A regular use of natural products enriched with natural antioxidants, vitamins and minerals maintains a healthy hair growth cycle and controls premature hair graying.
Breww Therapeutics, a startup company from Punjab, India is exploring the beneficial effects from natural products on skin and hair. Breww Hair Serum is one of the first time formulated product with Fermented Banana and Fermented Papaya in completely water based, full of antioxidant rich and non sticky hair care product. It provides natural moisturizer and antioxidant to the scalp and maintains a healthy hair management.
Scientific References:
1. Kumar AB, Shamim H, Nagaraju U. Premature Graying of Hair: Review with Updates. Int J Trichology. 2018 Sep-Oct;10(5):198-203. doi: 10.4103/ijt.ijt_47_18. PMID: 30607038; PMCID: PMC6290285.
2. Pandhi D, Khanna D. Premature graying of hair. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2013 Sep-Oct;79(5):641-53. doi: 10.4103/0378-6323.116733. PMID: 23974581.